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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Humor workshop at your company dinner

Humor workshop at your company dinner
Humor workshop at your company dinner
Humor workshop at your company dinner
Humor workshop at your company dinner
Humor workshop at your company dinner
Humor workshop at your company dinner
Humor workshop at your company dinner
Humor workshop at your company dinner
Humor workshop at your company dinner
Lighten up your company dinner even before the aperitif: at an interactive workshop with Barbara Stauffer, expert for "humor snacks" and "smiling food" in everyday business life.

Dare, learn and cultivate humor

Everyday working life is often serious. Let Barbara Stauffer provide some light-hearted inspiration at your next company lunch, without the need for good humor and laughter at the push of a button. In an exciting, interactive workshop, she will teach you and your employees simple exercises to stimulate laughter and strengthen team spirit. With several "humor snacks" distributed throughout the evening, you can completely forget your professional roles and encounter each other in a different way. The workshop leader will also give you "spoonfuls" of tips and input for more humor in everyday life. An event to sit back, listen and smile.

Laughter is allowed!

On average, around 70% of our thoughts are negative, preoccupied with worries and fears. Children laugh around 200 times a day, adults only 15 times. So it's high time to laugh again! Laughter is healthy and promotes creativity, serenity, motivation and productivity. In this funny, varied and inspiring workshop, you will find out how humor can be used in everyday business life to promote the health of employees and the company:

  • Tidbits: Interactive exercises that make laughter easy
  • Hors d'oeuvre: The change of perspective of humor
  • Main course: Helpful strategies for humorous communication
  • Dessert: Quickly put yourself in a positive state à la tiramisù ("pull me up")


Size of group

8 to 1000 people


from 1 h


all year round


All of Switzerland



Costs [CHF]

1 to 2 hours from 1'000.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Individual preparation
-   Leading the interactive workshop

Not included

-   Travel expenses
-   Local rent
-   Food and drinks
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© Outdoor Dreams GmbH | Bahnhofstrasse 14 | 3400 Burgdorf | 034 533 34 35 |
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Team Events