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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Sausage seminar in the butcher's shop near Basel

Sausage seminar in the butcher's shop near Basel
Sausage seminar in the butcher's shop near Basel
Sausage seminar in the butcher's shop near Basel
Sausage seminar in the butcher's shop near Basel
Sausage seminar in the butcher's shop near Basel
Sausage seminar in the butcher's shop near Basel
Sausage seminar in the butcher's shop near Basel
Would you like to make your own juicy sausages for your barbecue? From the preparation of the sausage meat to the spice mix, you will learn everything you need to know in this sausage seminar.

A look behind the scenes

A bratwurst just the way you like it: this seminar gives you the opportunity to slip into the role of a butcher and make your own personal sausage delicacy. But before you get hands-on, a tour of the butchery will give you a glimpse behind the scenes. What preparation steps are involved? And what ingredients are used? All this will be explained to you on the production premises.

Bratwurst to your taste

You then set about creating your own sausage. Meat from animals raised in a species-appropriate manner is used for this. Some bacon is added to the sausages as a flavor carrier. In addition to liquid and salt, the spices of your choice are added, such as paprika, garlic, coriander, pepper or nutmeg. Each participant receives a kilogram of meat, which is refined according to personal taste and can then be taken home as a finished sausage. With the knowledge you have learned, you can later make your own sausages at home without any special equipment.

Aperitif included

And it's not just about working in the butcher's shop: the offer also includes an aperitif with pies, freshly prepared onion mince and cool beer. This will make your team event or stag party an unforgettable experience.

Size of group

8 to 20 people


2-2.5 h


all year round
Mondays to Fridays from 4 pm, Saturdays from 9 am.


Arlesheim Distanz show map


German, English

Costs [CHF]

incl. 8.1% VAT
8-20 pers. 75.00  /pers.

Included in the price

-   Guided tour of the butcher's shop
-   Aperitif with specialties and beer
-   1 kg self-produced bratwurst per person
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