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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Misurina - touching and enchanting dialect songs

Misurina - touching and enchanting dialect songs
Misurina - touching and enchanting dialect songs
Misurina - touching and enchanting dialect songs
Misurina - touching and enchanting dialect songs
Misurina - touching and enchanting dialect songs
Misurina - touching and enchanting dialect songs
Misurina - touching and enchanting dialect songs
Misurina - touching and enchanting dialect songs
With her Meitschi voice from Bern, which remains young at heart, Petra Gfeller Hug sings herself as Misurina right into the heart of the audience.

Right in the heart and soul

With a great love of detail, a skilful pinch of wordplay and a big shot of poetry, Misurina turns stories into melodies and melodies into poems. What emerges are unique, dreamily cheeky and captivatingly honest dialect songs about life, love, laughter and letting go. With piano and vocals carefully arranged, Misurina's music leaves the listener a lot of space to forget and at the same time find himself in it. Berndeutsche Liedermacherkunst, for once without guitar, but with voice and black and white keys in the middle of heart and soul - that is Misurina. The trained geologist has written and arranged all her songs herself.

Customized program

Whether as a short break between speeches or as a longer program block at an atmospheric Christmas event, from the accompaniment of a wedding ceremony with moving dialect (love) songs to an entertaining concert in a small theater - Misurina will find the best contribution for your successful event together with you.

"Addicted to em Summer"

In 2017 Misurina's first album "Addicted to em Summer" was released. "Dr Tüüfu wott nümm Tüüfu si", "Ar Miuchstrass entlang", "Ds Läbe isch kes Taxi" and of course "Süchtig nach em Summer" are just a few of the songs recorded on it. The album convinces with a total of 17 unmistakable songs - and since then many new songs have been added.

Team composition

Vocals and piano

Size of group

10 to 150 people


2 x 2 m


from 0.5 h


all year round


All of Switzerland

Required infrastructure

grand piano or upright piano (you can bring your own electric piano), power supply for electric piano


German, Berndeutsch

Costs [CHF]

Short appearances
up to 30 minutes from 350.00  flat-rate
up to 60 minutes from 500.00  flat-rate
from 400.00  flat-rate
2 sets of 40 minutes each from 700.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Performance and fee
-   E-piano (if no piano is available)
-   PA up to approx. 80 persons

Not included

-   Travel expenses
-   Compensation for travel time depending on the place of performance
-   Food and drinks of the artist
-   possible accommodation costs

Customers' views on this offer

Angela Sahli, Katholische Kirchgemeinde Biel


Der Anlass war sehr gut. Die Senioren und Seniorinnen hat es sehr gut gefallen. Gerne wieder.

Elisabeth Toller, Misurina


Die feinen Lieder und Ihre melodische Stimme berührten unsere Gefühle und wir genossen die Schwingungen der Töne !
Wir sind begeistert und können Misurina sehr gut weiter empfehlen.

Irène Rüttimann-Haas, 60. Geburtstag im Doppelpack (Zwillingsschwestern)


Misurina hat unsere Erwartungen mehr als übertroffen. Mit ihren witzigen, poetischen und sehr feinfühligen Liedern erzählt sie aus dem Leben und bringt das Publikum zum Schmunzeln. Misurina, als bodenständige und zierliche Frau füllt einen Saal mit Klang und Kreativität und vermag mit Text und Melodie Herzen zu brühren.
Wir haben die unkomplizierte Planung und Begegnung mit Petra Gfeller sehr geschätzt. Sie hat unserem Geburtstagsfest eine Pointe Tiefgang und Feierlichkeit mit einer grossen Authentizität geschenkt.
Dafür ein grosses D A N K E. Misurina - eine bescheidene grossartige Künstlerin.

Anna-Lena Eggli, Robinsonspielplatz Thun


Es war wunderbar! Misurina hat unser Fest bereichert!

Peter Felder


Wir waren mit dem Auftritt von "Misurina" sehr zufrieden und können diese Künstlerin jederzeit weiterempfehlen. Sie war eine grosse Bereicherung an unserem Anlass.

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