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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Humor pays off

Humor pays off
Humor pays off
Humor pays off
Humor pays off
Humor pays off
Humor pays off
Humor pays off
Humor pays off
Humor pays off
Humor pays off
Humor pays off
Humor is a serious and funny thing at the same time. In this workshop, you will learn how to master any situation more easily thanks to a humorous attitude.

Humor as a competence that can be learned

Humorous people have a magnetic effect and are more sought after in the business world: most CEOs prefer to hire humorous people, as they not only improve the working atmosphere, but also perform better (according to a study by Hodge & Associates). Humor is also healthy because laughter strengthens our immune system, protects against depression and reduces stress. Fortunately, humor is a skill that can be learned and practiced, and that's what this workshop is all about: practicing humor to hone your communication skills, gain more composure, energy and drive and, last but not least, to strengthen your team spirit.

These are the contents of the workshop

  • What is humor and why is it worth cultivating?
  • Simple and effective pick-me-up exercises: Smiling and laughing together relaxes, lifts the mood and motivates.
  • Humor test: What are your personal humor resources?
  • Spice up your communication repertoire with a few pinches of creativity.
  • Learn to face everyday stumbling blocks with humorous composure
  • .
  • So you can master even difficult situations with mental ease.

Your workshop leader

An expert in business humor and communication, she studied German at the University of Zurich, was a secondary school teacher and university lecturer, worked in a theater and was a freelance journalist and author. After further training at the Anthony Robbins Leadership University and the Tamala humor school in Constance, among others, she became a trainer and coach in 2004. Her clients include insurance companies, banks, universities and personalities from the fields of sport, education and management.


Size of group

8 to 1000 people


1-3 h


all year round


All of Switzerland



Costs [CHF]

Humor workshop, approx. 1 hour.
8-30 pers. 1'000.00  flat-rate
31-50 pers. 1'500.00  flat-rate
51-200 pers. 2'000.00  flat-rate
201-1000 pers. on demand
Humor workshop, 2 to 3 hours.
From 8 pers. on demand

Included in the price

-   Individual preparation
-   Management of the workshop

Not included

-   Travel expenses
-   Local rent
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Team Events