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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

doubleneck, the cover band

doubleneck, the cover band
doubleneck, the cover band
doubleneck, the cover band
doubleneck, the cover band
doubleneck, the cover band
doubleneck, the cover band
doubleneck, the cover band
doubleneck, the cover band
doubleneck, the cover band
doubleneck, the cover band
The trio plays oldies at their best, 100% hand and foot made, and still sounds like four musicians of five.

Great covers, rich sound

The trio "doubleneck" enriches your event with great covers of songs that everyone knows. With polyphonic singing, a diversified instrumentation and a special foot-operated drumset, the three musicians provide a rich sound that inspires young and old.

The repertoire

The music artfully played by "doubleneck" covers different styles. The repertoire ranges from pop and rock, blues, folk and country, to rock 'n' roll and rockabilly. The greatest hits of famous bands like Dire Straits, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Supertramp, Pink Floyd, Queen and many other legendary artists are played. The trio is well-rehearsed and adapts flexibly to your event: If desired, "doubleneck" plays quiet numbers or party crackers in rock volume.

The three musicians

Silvio Fantauzzi (vocals, guitar, drums, bluesharp, mandolin) is a freelance musician. He has already been in the studio with Jonny Hill, Baschi, Toni Vescoli and many other musicians.

Gregor Jegge (acoustic and electric guitar, vocals, percussion) has been on the road with various bands for years, for example with the formations "Elven", "Bleifrei" or "Landärzte".

Thomas Züllig (double bass, electric bass, vocals, cowbell) has also been making music for years with various bands and musicians, e.g. with Frank Vetter and Stef Signer.


Team composition

Silvio Fantauzzi: vocals, guitar, drums, bluesharp, mandolin
Gregor Jegge: acoustic and electric guitar, vocals, percussion
Thomas Züllig: double bass, electric bass, vocals, cowbell

Size of group

10 to 500 people


3 x 4 meters


from 0.5 h


all year round


All of Switzerland

Required infrastructure

Power supply 220 V, if necessary small stage


German, French, English

Costs [CHF]

Depending on appearance and location
from 1'850.00  
to 2'550.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   PA system (up to approx. 200 people)
-   Performance and fee
-   Small light system

Not included

-   Catering for the artists
-   Possible overnight stay
-   Travel expenses from 1 hour or 80 km

Optional extras

-   To accompany church weddings also bookable as a duo

Customers' views on this offer

Bruno Fink, Bruno Fink


Die Band "Doubleneck" hat uns bestens unterhalten. Das passende Ambiente der Hagschnurer Schüür in Hüttwilen und die Spielfreude der drei Herzblutmusiker haben für eine tolle Stimmung gesorgt. Alle Anwesenden waren begeistert. Wir durften einen unvergesslichen Abend erleben.

Bruno Häne


Wir haben Doubleneck für eine Geburtstagsparty engagiert.

Die Band hat unsere Erwartungen mehr als nur erfüllt. Sie haben einen super sound, abwechslungsreich, und brachten viel gute Stimmung an die Party, wo auch immer wieder zu Ihrer Musik getanzt wurde.
Es sind drei sympathische Musiker, die auch die Lautstärke den jeweiligen Gegebenheiten anpassen und sehr flexibel sind, wann sie ein längeres oder kürzeres Set spielen können.
Ich habe von den Gästen nur sehr gute bis begeisterte Rückmeldungen zu der Band bekommen, und diesen schliesse ich mich an.

Seraina Ruoss, Hochzeit


Wir hatten die Band doubleneck für unsere Hochzeit gebucht. Das Musikprogramm hat uns und unseren Gästen super gut gefallen. Die Musik hat ideal zum Abend gepasst.
Vielen Dank an doubleneck für den tollen Auftritt.

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