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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Tarallucce - Musica del Sud

Tarallucce - Musica del Sud
Tarallucce - Musica del Sud
Tarallucce - Musica del Sud
Tarallucce - Musica del Sud
Tarallucce - Musica del Sud
Tarallucce - Musica del Sud
Tarallucce - Musica del Sud
Folk music from southern Italy - fiery dances, flattering tunes and soulful canzoni d'amore.

Neapolitan folk dances and love songs

Tarallucce offers a firework of sensuality and passion, a musical and scenic program for all ages. Fiery tarantulas and ancient tammorra rhythms alternate with flattering villanelles and canzoni d'amore. Fairytale and humorous Tarallucce lets stories about love and fate, longing and fulfilment, truth and illusion, passion and tenderness resound.

A fiery trio of women

With exuberant joie de vivre and sensual poetry, the women's trio enchants your guests at wedding and birthday parties. At your company event, Tarallucce creates a unique atmosphere and offers an unforgettable musical experience.

A poetic Advent programme

During Advent, Tarallucce conjures up a pre-Christmas atmosphere full of light, poetry and anticipation with traditional southern Italian Christmas carols and legends. The Advent concerts offer a glittering and touching experience at the end of the year. They are ideal as special company gifts for employees and business partners.

The love of southern Italian folk music...

...brought together the three versatile, professional musicians of Tarallucce. Fiorentina Talamo (vocals, percussion), Manuela Frescura (mandolin, mandola) and Laure Perrenoud (guitar) have been performing with their ensemble Tarallucce in the cabaret scene for many years. Through careful arrangement they redesign traditional pieces. They understand in a unique way how to underlay the drama and tragedy of southern Italian folk tunes with humour and a wink. By the way, "Tarallucce" is the name of a traditional Neapolitan bread roll.

This is what Tarallucce sounds like

Tarantella del Gargano
Allu Mari
Moresca del gatto
Lu cardillo

Team composition

Talamo: vocals, percussion
Frescura: mandolin, mandola
Perrenoud: Guitar

Size of group

10 to 200 people


2 x 3 meters


from 0.5 h


all year round


All of Switzerland

Required infrastructure

3 chairs without armrests,
3 glasses with drinking water



Costs [CHF]

Short performance up to 40 min. 1'800.00  flat-rate
Evening filling up to 90 min. 2'200.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Appearance
-   Approach

Not included

-   Possible overnight accommodation costs
-   Possible catering and drinks for female musicians
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