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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Using self-hypnosis to boost motivation

Using self-hypnosis to boost motivation
Using self-hypnosis to boost motivation
Using self-hypnosis to boost motivation
Using self-hypnosis to boost motivation
Using self-hypnosis to boost motivation
Using self-hypnosis to boost motivation
How can you get your subconscious to work for you instead of against you? This workshop offers you fascinating answers and solutions through hypnosis.

Go for it!

The inner bastard is often stronger than the good will. We know what we should do and actually want to do, but the motivation is missing. Whether it is learning for an exam or doing sports: we always put off what we set out to do. In this workshop you will learn how to give your subconscious the necessary motivation boost to finally get things done.

Hypnosis as a motivation technique

Together with your team you will discover the power of self-hypnosis under expert guidance and learn techniques to positively influence blocking behaviour. After this workshop, you will have a personal guide to self-hypnosis at hand, which you can apply independently in the future to various challenges.

Contents and benefits of the workshop

These are some of the topics that will be covered in the workshop, both theoretically and practically:

  • What is hypnosis and how does it work?
  • Where does my personal inner pig dog sit?
  • What goals are really important to me?
  • How do I hypnotize myself?
  • >
    In this way your employees, your team and your company benefit from the techniques learned:
    • Increased individual balance
    • More motivation at work
    • Better teamwork
    • More efficient and productive performance

    You can book the self-hypnosis workshop as a half-day or one-day seminar.

Size of group

8 to 50 people


from 1/2 day


all year round


Whole of Switzerland and neighbouring countries



Costs [CHF]

incl. 8.1% VAT
Half-day seminar
up to 10 pers. 1,000.00  flat-rate
from 11 pers. on demand
One-day seminar
up to 10 pers. 1,800.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Coaching on the subject of self-hypnosis
-   Seminar documentation

Not included

-   outward and return journey
-   Possible room rent

Optional extras

-   Individual Coaching
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Team Events