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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Appear with wow-effect

Appear with wow-effect
Appear with wow-effect
Appear with wow-effect
Appear with wow-effect
Appear with wow-effect
Appear with wow-effect
Appear with wow-effect
After this workshop, you will be able to make a confident appearance at any time and stand in front of an audience with ease and without stage fright.

Strategies for a confident appearance

Most presentations are poorly received or not received at all by the audience. This is less due to the talent of the speaker than to the fact that they do not apply certain essential strategies. If you also have to make regular appearances and would like professional feedback, or if you avoid appearances as much as possible because you are afraid of them, then this workshop is made for you. Whether you are more introverted or extraverted: You will receive important tips and tricks for an appearance that suits you. Thanks to a mix of seriousness and creativity, you will be convincing in the future and leave the audience with a "Wow!

Aims and content of the workshop

You will learn how to appear clear and authentic in front of an audience, present your message in a factual and entertaining way and feel free and centered in the process. Thanks to various power tips, you will gain the confidence you need to give unique and convincing presentations in the future. Look forward to the following tips and learning content:

  • Out of the stage fright trap
  • Virtuosity of body language and tonality
  • Preparing a presentation in a targeted and clear manner
  • Enhancing facts with wit and humor
  • Media diversity instead of a battle of slides
  • Constructive video analysis with a sense of achievement

Your workshop leader

An expert in business humor and communication, she studied German language and literature at the University of Zurich, was a secondary school teacher and university lecturer, worked in a theater and was a freelance journalist and author. After further training at the Anthony Robbins Leadership University and the Tamala humor school in Constance, among others, she became a trainer and coach in 2004. Her clients include insurance companies, banks, universities and personalities from the fields of sport, education and management.


Size of group

8 to 50 people


1-3 h


all year round


All of Switzerland



Costs [CHF]

Workshop, 1 hour.
8-30 pers. 1'000.00  flat-rate
31-50 pers. 1'500.00  flat-rate
51-200 pers. 2'000.00  flat-rate
201-1000 pers. on demand
Workshop, 2 to 3 hours.
From 8 pers. on demand
Travel expenses
per km  

Included in the price

-   Individual preparation
-   Management of the workshop

Not included

-   Travel expenses of the workshop leader
-   Possible local rent
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